Rays Gallery Frame – Silver (Frame Only)


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Light up your warmer with this silvery silhouette sun – made with a bright silver finish, it features wavy rays and a spiral in the center for a touch of artistic fun.

This unique gallery frame offers a heavenly dose of beauty throughout the day. A lovely spiral-centered sun shimmers in a silver finish that catches the light during the daylight hours, while the silhouetted shapes of wavy rays delight after sunset. Make the most of your warmer’s illumination with this sunny accessory!

Even on a cloudy day, this bright gallery frame can help bring a little light into your life through your warmer. Made of a beautiful brushed-silver finish, the sun in the center offers a metallic gleam in the day and a unique silhouette by night. The spiral in the center, the universal symbol for new life and growth, also makes a beautiful gift “scentiment.”