Highway Run Scentsy Bar


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You can hear the song of the wandering troubadour when you melt Highway Run Scentsy Bar, the freshness of the open road without even opening your front door.

Highway Run Scentsy Bar calls out to the wanderer in all of us, hinting of the wonders around the next bend of a winding road. Eucalyptus, vetiver and cedar mixed with smooth amber whisper “follow me,” and you can, for a moment, when you breathe deeply and remember the lure of the open road.

Road trip! Even if you cannot get away the smell of Highway Run Scentsy Bar will take you to a place where you know not what lies around the corner, but you can’t wait to find out. The clarity brought by eucalyptus wakes you up to the possibilities of the cedar and sweet, grassy vetiver flowing next to your (imaginary) roadway to the treasures of mysterious amber. When the walls of your happy home begin to hem you in this fall and winter drop these cubes into the warmer, close your eyes and watch the scenery pass before you, just enough of a vacation to rejuvenate you for the tasks of the day or evening.