Woodland Suede Scentsy Bar


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Smooth and velvety, Woodland Suede Scentsy Bar guides you gently into Fall and Winter, earthy aromas punctuated with a squirt of Meyer Lemon.

There is something so calming and peaceful about the woods in fall and winter, and Woodland Suede Scentsy Bar captures that feeling of earthy connection so well. The woody aromas of red oak and cedar are buoyed by a musky, smoky base and the surprise of a chill breeze through the trees represented by the top note of winter lemon.

Snuggle into your warmest coat and take a walk through the forest with Woodland Suede Scentsy Bar. The highly aromatic smells of red oak and burning cedar evoke a timeless sense of seasonal change, deep beneath of the limbs of ancient trees getting ready for their time of slumber. Drifts of leaves transforming always into growing medium for the years to come release their sweet, musky smell and when the wind picks up you can smell the clean, fresh scent of winter lemon. Drop these cubes into your selected warmer to contemplate how one month passes into the next, a season of growth followed by the harvest, then rest and recharging in anticipation of Spring.