Perfect Oatmeal Scentsy Bar


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You can’t help but love over new Perfect Oatmeal Scentsy Bar. It’s perfectly sweet, with a base of steamy golden porridge, and notes of toasted almonds, buttery brown sugar, and fruity black currants.

Have you ever wondered what made that little bear’s porridge so irresistible to Goldilocks? It had all the flavors of our new Perfect Oatmeal Scentsy Bar: golden oatmeal, brown sugar, toasted almonds, and juicy black currants.

Goldilocks was right to be so picky! There’s nothing quite so satisfying as a perfect bowl of oatmeal. Not too hot, not too cold, just a bowl of steamy goodness ready to warm you with its comforting flavors. No matter what time of day, you can indulge in the deliciousness of sweet porridge by using our new Perfect Oatmeal Scentsy Bar. The fragrance is made up of a base of golden oatmeal, mixed with heaps of brown sugar, crunchy toasted almonds, and black currants bursting with ripeness.

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