Dragonfly Scentsy Warmer Wrap


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Darting and gliding on the warm breezes of spring leading into summer, the Dragonfly Scentsy Wrap subtly brings your Silhouette Warmer to life.

This agile fellow hovers near the light, attracted to the soothing glow and the unique fragrances Scentsy offers during this season. Use as a striking focal point, the bold lines of the dragonfly drawing and holding your attention. Exquisite detail and flowing lines will make this a favorite in your Scentsy rotation.

Balancing on a waving blade of grass, resting his wings before his next glittering flight, the Dragonfly Scentsy Wrap creates a magical ambiance. Brighten your home with this acrobat of the air, inviting the sunshine of a summer day inside no matter the weather, paired with your favorite Scentsy fragrances.

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