Scentsy Tomato Vine Room Spray


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Warm sun on your shoulders, bees humming, crimson orbs ready to grace your salad or the ultimate BLT: experience this comfortable, compelling moment with Scentsy Tomato Vine Room Spray.

Tomato vines have a sharp, almost minty scent as you brush the leaves, pluck a ripe fruit or prune away excess foliage. This herbal, earthy aroma imbues your home with the feel of a lush garden ready for harvest of the first treasures of summer.

The first juicy offerings from the garden carry an essential, botanical fragrance, clearing the mind and warming the soul. Scentsy Tomato Vine Room Spray brings the bounty from the backyard into your home, fresh, green and slightly spicy, like a cluster of just-picked heirloom tomatoes still clinging to the vine.