Tulips Scentsy Warmer Wrap


Whimsical stems and blooms dance around the Tulips Scentsy Warmer Wrap, a promise of welcome spring after the long winter.

A spring promise ready to burst into glorious bloom, Scentsy’s Tulips Warmer Wrap tenderly embraces the first sprouts and buds of the new season. Pushing up bravely to bask in the encouraging rays of the warming sun, these earliest of flowerings hint of the fragrant floral abundance soon to come.

Slender stalks reach up to greet the sun, growing stronger every day. Buds plump and then burst into sweetly cupped blossoms, scattered like eager butterflies up and down the undulating stems. This delicate border of spring flowers reminds of the constant renewal each spring, seeming to sway in the gentle breeze, fragrance filling the air.

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